PLANET DDNS website provides a free DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name Server) service for PLANET devices. Whether the IP address used on your PLANET device supporting DDNS service is fixed or dynamic, you can easily connect the devices anywhere on the Internet with a meaningful or easy-remembered name you gave.
Say for example, you've just installed a PLANET IP camera with dynamic IP like in the network. You can name this device as “Mycam1” and get the URL link as Mycam1.planetddns.com. Thus, you don't need to memorize the exactly IP address but just the URL link: Mycam1.planetddns.com. |
How PLANET DDNS works |
First of all, after applying and activating an account on www.planetddns.com, you can create a meaningful name for your devices.
Secondly, you need to enable the PLANET DDNS service in your device. After accessing the PLANET DDNS service web browser page in your device, you have to key in the domain name, account ID and password which is exactly the same applying on PLANET DDNS website into your device
Thirdly, you have to reboot your device. After rebooting, your device will enable DDNS service and register PLANET DDNS server automatically. As soon as your device connected, you key in the URL link, http://My_Cam1.planetddns.com, to see the camera anywhere from the Internet. |
How to create a new account |
Please click on Create A New Account and key in the following information - ID / Name - Full Name - Email address to confirm the submission - Password and confirm it again
The DDNS server will send you an email to activate your account. After your confirmation, you can sign in PLANET DDNS server to create your domain name for your devices.
How to create a new domain name for your PLANET devices |
Once you sign in PLANET DDNS website, you will see the "My Devices" page. Please follow the instructions below step by step: 1. You can just kick on "Add device" button and key in the name you want. The system will determine if the domain name is available or not automatically.

2. You have to key in exactly the same domain name and password to your PLANET device. For example, the ID: Jason, the password and the domain: Jason_cam1 (or Jason_cam1.planetddns.com).
3. You need to reboot your PLANET devise. After reboot, the DDNS service in your PLANET device will be activated. |
How to setup the DDNS to my PLANET Device? |
First, make sure 2 things you have already done before setup DDNS to your PLANET device. 1. Get an ID / Name account from PLANET DDNS website 2. Create a new domain name for your PLANET device
Second, enable the DDNS service in your PLANET device. Please follow the instructions below step by step: 1. Open the web browser of your PLANET device 2. Enable the DDNS service in the web browser 3. Key in the your ID / Name, Password, and Domain Name for your PLANET device, such as My_Cam1.planetddns.com 4. Reboot your PLANET device and the device will find the PLANET DDNS and make the registration online |
How do I know the PLANET device works now? |
Please make sure you setup the DDNS service in your PLANET device correctly as previous FAQ. After you finish the steps to setup DDNS, you can use "ping" to check if your PLANET device is available.For example: C:\ping My_cam1.planetddns.com from DOS prompt.
If you get the reply from DDNS server, your PLANET device successfully registers to PLANET DDNS server and is available on the Internet now. |
What should I check if I cannot ping my register device? |
*** Your device is using a public IP
Firstly, if your device is using a public IP address, i.e. not an IP address started with "192.168.xxx.xxxx", "172.16.xxx.xxx ~ 172.31.xxx.xxx", or "10.xxx.xxx.xxx", you can check your DNS setting of your device, say, a DNS provided from your ISP or use the DNS IP address like "" After that, you can directly check your device status from PLANET DDNS -> My Device -> Ping Status. If you got a Green color for Ping Status, it means your device is alive and is on the Internet already. Then, you will need to check your PC for the DNS setting.
If your PC can ping www.planetddns.com, then you could ping your device, say, "my_cam1.planetddns.com" without doubt.
*** Your device is using a private IP
As your device is installed behind NAT router / firewall, please check the following: A. Check if the NAT router offers the correct DNS setting, say, for example, your PC gets the IP from your NAT router, and the PLANET DDNS device also gets the IP from this NAT Router. B. Check if the NAT router enables ICMP reply or not. If the NAT router already turns on the ICMP reply at WAN interface, you could then check status from PLANET DDNS -> My Device -> Ping Status. C. If you got the product image from the My Device Page, then your Device exists and has been successfully registered. If your Device still shows something UNKNOWN , then your Device probably is not connected to the Internet. Please login the Device again and check whether the setting of your Device is well configured. |
Why can't I see the images from the View tab? |
Please check if your NAT Router or Firewall has turned on the Virtual Server port 80 for your Camera Device; the images require Virtual Server with port 80 or DMZ to this Device for the images to pass through. |
Why can't I see the images from the Live View? |
PLANET DDNS will trigger VLC plug-in (www.videolan.org/vlc/download) to retrieve the Live images of your Camera. Please be informed to download the plug-in and also turn on the virtual port 554 (default) for the images to pass through.
Please be noted that PLANET and PLANETDDNS just support this platform for the links of your PLANET Devices and where this Device is connected to. PLANET and PLANET DDNS do not and will not guarantee the link quality and also the network / data security of the platform users. |
What should I do if I lost my password? |
1. Please click on "Forgot my Password" in the homepage of PLANET DDNS website and key in the email address. 2. PLANET DDNS server will send you an email to reset your password 3. In the reset email, you will get a verification code and URL link. Please click the URL link and key in the verification code. 4. After submitting the verification code, you can reset your password. |
Is it secure to turn on the services? |
Since PLANET DDNS is a free platform to transfer IP address and domain name for Internet user, PLANET does not and will not guarantee the access security of the device. We strongly recommend change your PLANET devices' default password, such as your IP camera's Web access password, to a safer one to prevent from hacker attack or illegal access. Or, restrict the access right of the device before enable the services, say, for example, change the TCP port number like port 80 to 8080, reject ICMP reply, etc. |
What is PLANET Easy DDNS? |
PLANET Easy DDNS is a way help to get your Domain Name with just one click. You can just login to the Web Management Interface of your devices, say, your IP Camera, check the DDNS menu and just enable it.
Once you enabled the Easy DDNS, your PLANET Network Device will use the format PLxxxxxx where xxxxxx is the last 6 characters of your MAC address that can be found on the Web page or bottom label of the device. (For example: 00-30-4F-77-88-17, it will be converted into PL778817.planetddns.com)

Since by now, most of your Internet Browwer supports cache, you can just key in the full name at the first time, then after that, just key in the keywords you memorized for the next login.

The benefit of using Easy DDNS is no need to subscribe a new account and get an unique domain of yourself easily.